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Discover how Bennie can save you time and money while enhancing your benefits experience.

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Customer Wave

Benefits Consulting

Crisis Text Line

How Crisis Text Line Moved Off a PEO, Improved Their Benefits, and Saved Money

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Benefits Experience


How Bennie Transformed the Way Nylas Manages Employee Benefits

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Benefits Strategy


How Interpretek Strengthened Their Benefits Management Strategy

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Client Support


See How Bennie Works as an Extension of Bonusly’s Team to Simplify Benefits

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Employee Experience


How Bennie Cut Costs While Enhancing the Superhuman Employee Experience

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Benefits Experience

Go Fish Digital

How Bennie Supported Go Fish’s People Team & Made Benefits Uncomplicated

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Streamlined Benefits


How Bennie Helped Pliancy Centralize Benefits & Reduce Their Administrative Workload

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Peo Transition

Hi Marley

How Bennie Helped Hi Marley Transition off a PEO to Lower Costs and Improve Experience

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Benefits Experience


How Bennie Helped GameOn Reduce Manual HR Work & Boost Benefit Plan Offerings

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Bennie + Rippling

How Bennie’s Rippling Integration Frees Up HR’s Time & Reduces Manual Work

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Cost-Effective Benefits


How Thoropass Saved on Benefits Costs & Improved Its Variety of Offerings With Bennie

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Discover how Bennie can improve your benefits experience.